Glad och ledsen på samma gång

Hela den här dagen har varit ner och upp ner och upp igen
vet att jag borde sova nu menm jag är alldeles upprymd.
Tangi kmr på torsdag morgon tillbaka till mig :)
Får se hur mkt vi hinner vara med varandra men första timmarna är iaf mina :)

Plus att vi firade 11 månader idag

Längtar sjukt mkt<3<3<3

Godnatt puss hej

32dagar blev helt plötsligt till 2 dagar!!! <3<3<3


I am really sorry to have to give you such a news, because you seem a very nice person from what I could read on your blog. An in love person too.... but unfortunately in love with the wrong man! I thought it is your right to know ! I am the girl your boy dated and was with since October, believing every single word he said: that he broke up a year ago. I discovered your blog, and found out that actually he lied to me, which was heart breaking. It must be even more heart breaking for you to find out he cheated on you after being together more then a year now. He told me big words, as he probably told you too, and we both felt for it, which is the saddest! From now on is your decision what you're gonna do with this information- I've done what I felt is right and fair! Wish you best luck and hope you'll be strong and get over this all soon!

2009-12-09 / 01:28:46

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